Brian McKeiver (US)

  • Co-Owner at BizStream, a full-service digital agency

  • A 3x MVP: Microsoft Azure MVP, Kentico MVP and MVP

  • Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan

CMS Kickoff 2024

Presentation: A Manufacturer's Odyssey into Digital Commerce

About Brian McKeiver

Brian has over 20 years of experience leading a company that employs 30+ developers, creatives, and technologists. In addition to his expertise in web development, integration, and digital marketing, Brian is active with the tech community via his blog at

Brian is passionate about software development and creating advanced digital solutions for his customers. Currently his focus is set on web site and web application development using some of the best digital experience tools, .NET technologies, and cloud based solutions with Azure. Brian also love taking his development background and applying it to marketing techniques such as Marketing Automation, Lead Scoring, and Content Personalization.

Brian has helped many small, medium, and large companies create solutions that showcase their brands, seamlessly integrate their commerce sites with CRM and ERP systems, and ultimately deliver results.

About BizStream

coming soon…

Connect with Brian