Darshan Gajara (DE)

  • Head of design at Hygraph

  • Based in Berlin

Boye Aarhus 23 conference

Presentation: Building a Culture of Design
Track: Design Leadership
Slides: Download (PDF)

About Darshan Gajara

Darshan Gajara is a talented product designer and maker based in Berlin. With a passion for design and a creative mindset, he holds the position of design lead at Hygraph while also spearheading Product Disrupt. Darshan's expertise extends beyond design as he enjoys sharing his knowledge through storytelling about design and travel. He actively engages with the creative community by conducting interviews with individuals from various creative disciplines.

Additionally, Darshan takes on the role of a mentor for aspiring designers and curates valuable design resources.

With his multifaceted skill set and dedication to the design field, Darshan Gajara is a dynamic figure in the industry.

About Hygraph

…coming soon

Connect with Darshan