What's new in conversational voice experiences?

The voice story still has three leading roles: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Bixby, but according to Jake DiMare at Voicify, the plot is quickly expanding to include so much more.

The early voice app wave laid the groundwork with relatively simple brand experiences deployed in walled-garden ecosystems. Now, brands imagine far more valuable conversational experiences driven by domain-trained AI, custom voices, deeper integration, and a familiar build once/deploy anywhere strategy.

In a recent member conference call, Jake DiMare shared a few examples demonstrating how yesterday's voice apps are becoming tomorrow's conversational custom assistants and unpack what's driving these changes.

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Does your content speak for itself?

With spoken content fast becoming a preferred way to get information, how will you prepare your content when navigation becomes negotiation and when links, calls to action, and breadcrumbs become a matter of aural and verbal gestures?

Preston So has written the first-ever book from A Book Apart about voice interface design. It's also the first-ever book to hit bookshelves about voice content, with everything you need to know about voice content strategy and voice content design.

In a recent member conference call, Preston joined us for more about what's inside the new book: Voice Content and Usability.

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