Digital as enabler for sustainability

While sustainability is not a new topic in our member calls, we've mostly talked about how to create low-carbon websites, how to be smart about cloud computing and somewhat more technical angles.

Recently, Oslo-based digital leader Katrine Sundbye joined one of our local peer group meetings as a guest speaker and took a different angle in her session: 

“We need digital to meet the sustainability goals!”

In a recent member call, Katrine shared her thoughts with the community. She introduced us to the green growth model and the ReSOLVE framework by McKinsey. She also shared examples of how data and digital solutions are key enablers for keeping resources in use more and longer.

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Introducing Circular Economy version 2

Material extraction and the subsequent production of those materials into products is one of the leading causes of climate change, and product manufacturers are under increasing pressure to reduce this impact and close the loop on product manufacturing.

At circulist, founder & CEO Nick Gonios, is leading a mission driven venture and building a tomorrow where products are made to be used rather than thrown away. Where circular design and intelligent ecosystems will enable us to reuse and recycle natural resources, and where products can be good for people and the planet.

Nick is based in Sydney, Australia and focused on the current wicked problem of overconsumption and growing e-waste and systemic challenges. In a recent member call, Nick introduced us to Circular Economy version 2 which better drives positive impact.

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