Small Feature Award 2020: Ucommerce Won With An Elegant Solution to managing your shop

At the recently held Boye 20 Aarhus conference, four software vendors competed in the 2nd annual Small Feature Award on showing a small feature with big impact.

Congratulation to Aarhus-based Ucommerce who won with an impressively simple approach to making e-commerce better.

Managing categories and changing the category structure can be a complicated process in e-commerce tools. In just about 4 minutes, we saw how easy it can be. The final touch, so to speak, that everything can be done using keyboard shortcuts pulled this contestant ahead of the pack to win the Small Feature Award 2020.

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Small feature award 2019: Little Forest won a close race with a simple solution to huge problems

At the recently held Boye 19 Aarhus conference, five European software vendors competed in the new Small Feature Award on showing a small feature with big impact. 

What’s the small feature that really makes the product way better? Is it a small design change, an elegantly engineered new piece of functionality or something else?

In this new contest, the conference participants celebrated the unsung heroes of the workplace: The small features that make all the difference. 

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