Using emails for action

There's a new book on email coming and it’s written by two of our friends who really believe in good emails:

  • Ashley Budd, Director of Advancement Marketing at Cornell University and also a speaker at last year's HE Connect 22

  • Dayana Kibilds, Strategist at Ologie

They have seen what a good email program can do. But, unfortunately, they are also reminded daily what a terrible experience combing through your email inbox can be.

Powerful email programs can get people to do stuff–for better or worse. And lucky for them, they get to see email do good every day.

In a member's call back in the summer, we heard more about the emerging book, while the authors shared some of their key insights. We also looked at bad emails and most importantly, supported them on their new writing journey.

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How to create emails that people want

Can you actually make mass emails popular? According to Ashley Budd from Cornell University’s alumni engagement and fundraising division, she’s done just that by fundamentally changing the university’s approach to newsletters and call to action emails.

Her strategies have boosted open and click through rates far above industry standards. In a recent member call, she shared samples of what makes her emails so popular.

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