Beyond the Promise to Readiness

This conversation was different. A seasoned group of martech pros discussing where personalization was really netting out. “Is that still a thing? Are we still on that?” The discussion turned from the topic itself to something more important.

What value do the features provide to business owners that don’t have the capacity or readiness to use them?

Much like my flying, (or setting the bar lower to the self-parking), car, if the technology were to magically appear, what would be my propensity to use it?

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What Got You Here, Won't Get You There

Take a moment to reflect on this statement “What Got You Here Won't Get You There”. This was used by Marshall Goldsmith in his book with the same title . Think about it in relation to the various website and web application projects you have been involved with over the years, whether you have been on the technical or business side.

What was your latest web project and what were the objectives that guided you to where you are today? Will this project and those objectives still be relevant over the next couple of years?

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Enough with the mumbo jumbo

Hype can be a problem. Often it results in doing something, because everyone else is. But that is seldom a sound strategy for attaining one's goals.

Technology plays a big part in hype. To many it seems to hold the promise of the future, but we have to ask ourselves if the way we are using technology is actually helping us accomplish anything? Or if our practices are actually nothing more than mumbo jumbo under the heading of future?

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